"I love sales and working with people..."

How to successfully launch sales in new markets.

  1. Optimizing the choice of best market opportunities using the PME Principle:
    Products, Market potential, Ease of access.
  2. Building distribution and Partner channels.


The deliverable is a comprehensive product launch plan in a  given market, implemented with the first invoice raised.

What sales  effects your bottom line.

  1. Audit of sales channels with complete inventory and recommendations based on the 3 Sales Principle:
    People, Processes, Documents.
  2. Analysis of product contribution margins and allocation of fixed costs by product.
  3. Customer Experience analysis based on Customer Journey Touch Points.


The final deliverable is a recommendation for change  in channel mix based on a financial analysis. 

Net Promoter System from Bain & Comapny used to drive sales

Good Customer Experience
drives sales

The Net Promoter System® is a company wide philosophy that has its business justification in improving sales. It uses the Net Promoter Score® based on a recommendation of by Customers after interactions with an organisation at a specific touch point. The feed back from the Customer interaction is immediately analyzed and a decision is made by an employee to improve all future interactions.

The Net Promoter System® requires empowering employees to make decisions and systems that provide information to the right people in the shortest possible time.The Net Promoter System® and Net Promoter Score® are copyrighted by © 1996-2018. Bain & Company

How to successfully launch new products.

Definition, testing and launching new products in a market based on the 5 Product Launch Principle:
Product definition; market identification; sales 
and post sales support processes;  communications plan; training & coaching.

The deliverable is the new revenue based on invoices  of new product sales.

New products

How to successfully launch new products
How to successfuly launch sales in new markets

New markets

Sales channel audit

Sales Channel Audits

Sales Efficiency Consultant

I improve sales efficiency by growing your bottom line.


No matter what your product is, you are providing a service. You need to:

  1. communicate well with the Customer. - a service
  2. provide the Customer with necessary information (fliers, references, contracts, price list etc) - all a service
  3. deliver the product in a timely manner, at the right place in the right way - a service
  4. the product needs to perform a specific function - a service
  5. you need to bill the Customer correctly and provide him with correct invoice - a service
  6. support the Customer when he needs assistance - a service


........ so you and me are providing services. Even the person at the market selling apples is providing a service!

"The process of selling goods is a service"

Your sales are as efficient as the ratio of your EBITDA to your contribution margin.

Social Media

All rights reserved Robert Sababady © 2018

Industry expertise

Industries that I feel comfortable in:

  • Energy
  • Logistics
  • IT
  • Telecommunications


The Entrepreneur.com ... Instead of creating a product made for everyone but appealing to no one, they've become known for having the best tool on the market for a specific segment of the market.

Quotes that I like


  • Articles
  • LInks


Industries that I feel comfortable in:

  • Energy
  • Logistics
  • IT
  • Telecommunications